Overhaul of the teleport system. Previously, when an object teleported, it's position would just shift as soon as it touched the teleporter. Now it transitions nicely across the teleporter.

New teleportation rules. Previously, the teleportation only allowed access into 2 of the 4 quadrants, because each quadrant was connected only to 1 other quadrant. It was only possible to access these other 2 quadrants by riding the teleporter lines, which was not intentional, but kept in as a means to give access to these otherwise inaccessible areas.  Each quadrant now connects to 2 other quadrants as opposed to 1, which gives the player free reign of the arena.

Options and high scores. The game now remembers your high scores and has a few options on the title screen to improve the QoL. Some other QoL changes too, but not really worth going into.

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Jun 26, 2021

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